Business consulting for the equestrian industry

I specialize in innovative business solutions for equestrian business owners by identifying opportunities and implementing strategies for financial long-term sustainability.

Personal Finance Coach

I empower people through financial coaching and educational workshops, giving them the tools to achieve personal financial freedom.

“What is Your Enough?”

When it comes to growing personal wealth, everyone needs a ground person.

Someone who can see what you’re doing from a different angle.

It begins with your Money Mindset and how that shapes financial decision making.

What does financial freedom look like for you?

  • Less traveling to horse shows

  • More family time

  • Luxury excursions

  • Educational pursuits

  • No debt

  • Knowing that you have enough to retire or have an exit strategy if you want to pivot careers?

I can help.

Experience Matters

Over 30 years of experience and wisdom in:

  • Finance, debt and asset management

  • Business development

  • Non-profit leadership and fundraising

  • Governance

  • Equestrian sport industry

Groundbreaking of $30 million affordable housing project called “The Heights”, Darien Housing Authority, 2013

“Knowledge is knowing a tomato is fruit. Wisdom is knowing not to put it in fruit salad.”

- Miles Kington

Why I Focus on All Things Equestrian?

I love horses.

It pains me to see horse people struggle or fail in their businesses, and ultimately in their own personal wealth journey.

Because when that happens, it means that horses end up in bad places…really bad places.

I want to help equestrians run better equine-centered businesses that generate net profit.

I want more people to benefit from the gift of horses, whether it be through competition, recreation, therapeutic, or environmental sustainability.

Horses teach us how to be better humans.

By helping business owners become profitable, grow wealth, and reduce stress and anxiety, I can de facto help horses.

I do it for the horses.

How I Help

  • Business Solutions

    The equestrian industry has nuances. Building a model that produces long term financial sustainability means you can build wealth and an exit strategy for when it’s time to pivot.

  • Personal Finance Coach

    Your road to financial freedom begins with your money mindset and having the information to make good financial decisions. I can help change the way you think about money, and you can change the trajctory, no matter your income level.

Get Ready to Drop Your Stirrups

Sometimes the hardest word is “Start”.

Don’t let “Perfect” be the enemy of “Good for Now.”

If you are looking to reduce anxiety around money and you want to improve your business, so you can grow your personal wealth, you’ve got to get to work.

For balance, for strength, for confidence, for excellence.


It’s time to Drop Your Stirrups.